Photography Projects 2014 - August

My 365

Well, the summer was fantastic, frankly.  By the end of August, I was sort of looking forward to the kids going to school as I really needed to catch up with real life (housework, work, errands and all that mundane stuff) but it has been great to have them around and take the opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy life!  Always captured in photographs, of course, and meanwhile keeping up with my daily photo project.

You can follow my daily postings on Instagram here. Here are all of the My_365 photos from August:-

Unfortunately, my weekly project 'A Year in Song' has fallen by the way side this month.  The reason for this is that the weekly lyric prompt stopped being posted on Instagram by The Photographer Within.  It's possible that they are still running the project through their blog and I could have researched and found out the lyric/song for the week, but in the chaos of day to day life in August with the kids around, I just never got around to looking in to it so this project has lapsed.  It's a bit of a shame, but things come and go and I still have my 365 daily project going.

On the plus side, I had a couple of features on Instagram this month.  I posted up this photo to take part in one of Instagram's 'Weekend Hashtag Project' #whpicecream:-

I was lucky enough to have childhoodunplugged pick up and feature my image.  I think these 2 knee-deep in icecream fit well with their theme.

I was also featured by Little Bellows on their weekly Instagram highlights post with this image, which is one of my recent favourites:-

I have a couple of other projects up my sleeve and heaps of work to catch up on, with lots more coming on the blog over the next month.  So until my next update, have a great September!