Our Summer | Lifestyle Documentary Photography in Staffordshire and Beyond!
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Our Summer Break in Photographs - My Photo-a-Day Mini Project
I had a busy summer coming up as the kids were due to finish school for their holidays. Weddings and family bookings were filling up my schedule and I knew that I'd have to commit a certain amount of time to preparing, shooting and editing (you know, "work"!). At the same time, I love the school holidays as I get to spend time with my kids doing things that we don't get around to in school weeks. We can go to bed later, get up a bit later, the weather is better (well, marginally...) and we don't have as many commitments or appointments. Freedom!!
So, to make sure that I valued the summer break and didn't let it skip by in a blink, I decided to document it with a photo-a-day project that I would post every day on Instagram. Let's face it, I'd pretty much be taking photographs every day anyway, so it didn't seem that big a demand. I struggled with editing and posting them fast enough towards the end of the summer (2 weddings in 3 days may be the reason for that!), but I completed the project and I can now look back on our summer and remember something about every day.
Day 1 - Library visit
Day 2 - An evening in Leek
Day 3 - Dodging the rain in Brampton Park
Day 4 - The Princess and The Frog
Day 5 - Family time at the pub
Day 6 - All day wedding photos, one of my favourite things to do
Day 7 - Pondering at Nana's
Day 8 - Back at the library
Day 9 - Visiting Great-Nanny
Day 10 - The Saxon Horde at the Potteries Museum
Day 11 - Checking out the view from my parents'
Day 12 - Back at work on a beautiful sunny wedding day
Day 13 - The usual Saturday morning at parkrun
Day 14 - Gooseberry sorting with the grandparents
Day 15 - Quick portrait of Jorja on a catch-up with work day
Day 16 - Dilhorne Rec
Day 17 - Baking
Day 18 - Just Kidding
Day 19 - Best friends
Day 20 - Beautiful evening skies
Day 21 - Lavender picking at Shropshire Lavender
Day 22 - Dex's last portrait as a 4 year-old
Day 23 - Happy Birthday Dexter!
Day 24 - She reminds me of me
Day 25 - Hair face on the bouncy slide
Day 26 - Playing with cars
Day 27 - Visiting friends and finding nature treasure in Wales
Day 28 - Walking in Wales
Day 29 - Drayton Manor theme park
Day 30 - Harvesting weird and wonderful carrots
Day 31 - 18th birthday gathering
Day 32 - DS play
Day 33 - Shopping for new school shoes
Day 34 - Glitter tattoos at a birthday party
Day 35 - Family portrait fails on our 10th wedding anniversary
Day 36 - Library book haul
Day 37 - Disgruntled senorita
Day 38 - The end of the rainbow
Day 39 - Touching the sky at the top of Thorpe Cloud
Day 40 - Mr Wilson's Second Line at The Big Feast in Stoke
Day 41 - Organ player at my next wedding
Day 42 - My niece's baptism
Day 43 - Srumptious looking wedding cake
Day 44 - Mario
Day 45 - Tutbury Castle
Day 46 - I'm Batman
Day 47 - New haircut ready for school
Day 48 - Creating Lily the Hare at the Grand Cross Fayre
Day 49 - Birthday party bouncing
Day 50 - Map reading and adventure planning
Now there's an element of normality in the house with the kids back at school. Peace has descended for a few hours a day, though I barely tick anything on my 'to-do' list before it's time to collect them. Looking forward to next summer already!
You can follow me on Instagram @jenharpers to see what I'm up to. I always post fairly regularly on there. Or sign up to get an email when I post on my blog at the top right of this page.